
Analysing household break-ins in Sydney

By using a Principle component analysis we can interpret the data more easily to find insightful patterns.

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Initial Analysis

  • Electronics are highly correlated together.

  • Jewellery is highly correlated together.

Picture 1.png

PC Analysis

  • To find out how may principle components will be chosen, we can look at the scree plot.

  • The general rule is to identify the elbow point/ flattening point.

  • This would make component number 2.

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Interpreting the Principle Components

  • Component score 1 is composed of electronics.

  • Component score 2 is composed of jewellery.

Picture 2.png

Scatterplot of PC’s

  • Penrith and Bankstown are correlated to have PC1 thefts (electronics).

  • Warringah and Ku-ring-gai are correlated to have PC2 thefts (jewellery).


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